What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession which diagnoses and treats mechanical disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system with the intention of affecting the nervous system and improving health. It is based on the premise that a spinal joint dysfunction can interfere with the normal function of muscles, nerves, joints and tissues and may result in many different conditions of diminished health. Treatments typically include spinal adjustments to correct the vertebral motion.
Our doctors are specialists in rehabilitation and seeks to provide patients with active treatment programs that involves the performance of injury specific exercises. This treatment model seeks to heal conditions in the the most effcient, most comfortable and most cost effective manner. Our clinic also provides other holistic interventions such as acupuncture, physical therapeutics, nutritional and rehabilitative councelling.
The Kos Health Perspective Reflects a Holistic Approach to Patient Care
- noninvasive, emphasizes patient’s inherent recuperative abilities
- recognizes dynamics between lifestyle, environment, and health
- emphasizes understanding the cause of illness in an effort to eradicate, rather than palliate, associated symptoms
- recognizes the centrality of the nervous system and its intimate relationship with both the structural and regulatory capacities of the body
- appreciates the multifactorial nature of influences (structural, chemical, and psychological) on the nervous system
- balances the benefits against the risks of clinical interventions
- recognizes as imperative the need to monitor progress and effectiveness through appropriate diagnostic procedures
- prevents unnecessary barriers in the doctor-patient encounter
- emphasizes a patient-centered, hands-on approach intent on influencing function through structure
- strives toward early intervention, emphasizing timely diagnosis and treatment of functional, reversible conditions
Most patients who visit a chiropractor do so initially with a chief complaint related to musculoskeletal problems (especially low back, neck, hip and arm pain), although at the Kos Chiropractic Centre we also focus on the overall health of the patient.